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Metrical Text:—The group under discussion destroys the deranged Kapham and the effects of poison and proves beneficial in cases of Meha (morbid discharges from the urethra), Kushtha, fever, vomiting and itching of the body and acts as a purifying (aseptic) agent in the case of an ulcer.

The Varunadi Group:—The drugs known as Varuna, Artagala, Shigru, Madhu-Shigru, Tarkari, Mesha-Shringi, Putika, Naktamala, Morata, Agnimantha, the two kinds of Sairiyaka, Vimvi, Vasuka, Vasira, Chitraka, Shatavari, Vilva, Ajashringi, Darbha, and the two kinds of Vrihati form the group known as the Varunadi.

Metrical Text:—The group is possessed of the efficacy of reducing the deranged Kapham and fat and proves efficacious in cases of cephalaegia, Gulma and internal abscesses.

The Viratarvadi Group:—The drugs known as Virataru, the two kinds of Sahachara, Darbha, Vrikshadani, Gundra, Nala, Kusha, Kasha, Ashmabhedaka, Agnimantha, Morata Vasuka, Vasira, Bhalluka, Kuruntaka, Indivara, Kapotavanka, and Shvadanstra enter into the composition of the group known as the Viratarvadi.

Metrical Text:—The group subdues all disorders incidental to the deranged state of Vata and