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Now we shall discourse on the Chapter which treats of medicinal drugs possessed of cleansing (cathartic) or soothing effects (Samshodhana-Samsha-maniya-madhyayam).

Emetic Drugs:—The drugs known as Madana fruits, Kutaja, Jimutaka, Ikshvaku, Dhamagarba, Krita-vedhana, Sarshapa, Vidanga, Pippali, Karanjaka, Prapunnada, Kovidara, Korvudara, Arishta, Ashva- gandha, Vidula, Vandhujivaka, Shveta, Shanapushpi, Vimvi, Vacha, Mrigervaru and Chitra, etc. are possessed of emetic properties. Out of these the fruits (seeds) of plants preceding Kovidara in the abovesaid list (from the Madana fruits to those of the Prapunnada) and the roots of plants from Kovidara to its close, should be used.

Purgative Drugs:— The trees, plants, herbs and creepers, etc. known as Trivrita, Shyama, Danti, Dravanti, Saptala, Shankhini, Vishanika, Gavakshi, Chhagalantri, Snuk, Suvarnakshiri, Chitraka, Kinihi, Kusha, Kasha, Tilvaka, Kampillaka, Ramyaka, Patala, Puga, Haritaki, Amalaka, Bibhitaka, Nilini, Chaturangula, Eranda, Putika, Mahavriksha, Saptachchhada, Arka, and Jyotishmati, etc. are possessed of purgative properties. Of these the roots of plants, which precede