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fically belong to earth and water. These inferences should be carefully remembered at the time of prescribing medicines.

Authoritative verses on the subject:—The deranged bodily Vayu readily yields to the curative efficacies of drugs possessed of attributes, specifically belonging to the earth, fire and water, while the deranged Pittam is speedily soothed or restored to its normal state by drugs having attributes, specifically belonging to the earth, water and air. Similarly, the deranged Kapham is pacified by drugs possessed of attributes which characterise the sky, fire and air.

The bodily Vayu is increased by the use of drugs possessed of attributes which specifically belong to the sky and air, while the Pittam is increased by the use of those which are largely endued with the specific attributes of fire. The bodily Kapham of the body is increased by the use of drugs which are largely endued with the specific attributes of the earth and water. Thus having ascertained the dominant attributes of drugs, a physician should use them for the pacification of two or more of the deranged humours of the body according to the exigencies of a case.

Of the eight-fold potencies of a drug, such as cooling, thermogenetic, oleaginous, heavy, parchifying, plastive, keen and slimy, keenness and thermogenetic