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digestion should be inferred from the frequent passing of stool and urine, as well as from the expectoration of Kapham, while the contrary should be presumed from the constipation of the bowels, retention of urine and disorders of the abdominal Vayu (flatulence, distension of the abdomen, etc.). A specific taste is detected in material principles of similar properties. As for example, a drug or a substance, which is heavy and endued with a sweet taste, should be deemed as belonging to the group of the earthy matter (largely possessed of attributes characterising earth-matter). Similarly, a substance, which is sweet and oily in its character, should be regarded as belonging to one in which the principle of water predominates.

Authoritative verse on the subject:—Properties, which characterise drugs and substances, may be as well found in a human organism, and the normal continuance, aggravation or diminution of the deranged humours is due to the action of the drugs (substances).

Thus ends the forty-first Chapter of the Sutrasthanam in the Sushruta Samhita which treats of specific properties of drugs.