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[ Chap. XLII.

bhana), purifying, liquefacient, drying and contracting virtues. It lessens secretions from mucous membranes. An astringent taste, though possessed of the abovesaid properties, may bring on the peculiar type of heart disease known as (Hridroga) parchedness of the mouth, distention of the abdomen, loss of speech, wry-neck (Manya Stambha), throbbing or quivering and tingling sensations in the body with contraction of the limbs and convulsions, etc.

Now we shall make a general classification of the drugs according to their taste.

Madhura- Groups:— The drugs forming the groups known as the Kakolyadi-Gana, as well as thickened milk. Ghee, lard, marrow. Shall and Shashtika rice, Yava, Godhuma, Masha pulse, Shringataka, Kasheruka, Trapusha, Ervaruka. Alavu, Kalaukata Ankalodya, Piyala, Pushkara, Vijaka, Kashmarya, Madhuka (Moula), Draksha, Kharjura, Rajadana, Tala, Narikela, modifications of the expressed Juice of Ikshu (Sugarcane), Vala, Ativala, Atmagupta, Vidari, Pyashya, Gokshuraka, Kshiramorata, Madhulika, and Kushmanda etc. are generally included within the Madhura group.

Acid Groups:—The fruits known as Dadima, Amalaka, Matulanga, Amrutaka, Kapittha, Karamarda, Vadra, Kola, Prachina-Amalaka, Tintidhi,