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[ Chap. XLII.

Punarnava, Vrishikali and Jyotishmati, etc. collectively constitute the bitter group.

Astringent Group:—The component members of the groups known as the Nyagrodhade-Gana, the Amvashtadi-Gana, and the Priyangvadi and the Rodhradi Ganas, Triphala, Shallaki, Jambu, Amra, Vakula, Timduka fruits, Katakha fruits, Shaka fruits, Pashanabhedaka, the fruits of trees known as the Vanaspatis (lit : lords of the forest, such as the Vata, the Ashvattha etc.) and most of the component members of the group known as the Salasaradi Gana, as well as Kuruvaka, Kovidaraka, Jivanti, Chilli, Palanka and Sunishanuaka, etc. and grains and pulse of the Nevara and Mudga species, collectively form the astringent group.

These tastes, in groups of different combinations, number sixty-three in all; as for example, fifteen, computed by taking two at a time; twenty, computed by taking three at a time; fifteen, computed by taking four at a time; six, computed by taking five at a time and six, being severally computed, thus making up an aggregate of sixty-three.

Authoritative verse on the subject:—The man, who gradually habituates himself to the use of each of the six aforesaid tastes,