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ing of the same powder mixed with a decoction of Nimva or Rupika, should be prescribed in cases of lymphatic (Kaphaja) diseases due to acts of Santarpanam (use of emollient remedies), or the emesis in such cases should be effected with a decoction of Madhukam, Kashmari and Draksha saturated with the aforesaid powder. Thus the emetic remedies made of Madana fruits are discharged.

Pulverised Jimutaka flowers may be used in the same manner and through the same medium or with the same adjuvants and for same purposes, as the preceding (Madana fruit). Jimutaka fruits should be pulverised in their raw or unripe state and dried in the sun, and a gruel made with milk boiled with the same powder should be given to a patient for emesis; or milk-cream, boiled with the powder of Jimutaka fruits (lit:—flowers*[1]) powdered in their mature or hardened (Romesha) state, should be given; or the surface cream of milk boiled with the powders of full grown (Aromasha), greenish yellow Jimutaka fruits, or a Sura (wine) made of their decoction should be prescribed. These emetic remedies should be used in cases of disinclination for food through the action of deranged Kapham (lymphatic derangements), cough, dyspnoea, jaundice and in phthisis as well, like the compounds of Madana fruits described

  1. *Fruits include flowers.