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[ Chap. XLV.

persons suffering from phthisis.*[1] It is light, astringent, appetising (Dipana), and is efficacious in dyspnoea, cough and haemoptysis (Amlapitta— A. T.). The milk of a she-goat proves curative in all diseases owing to the smiillness of her limbs and her agile habits, as well as for the fact of her drinking comparatively a less quantity of water and living upon bitter and pungent herbs. The milk of a she-camel is parchifying, heating, hght, palatable and possessed of a little saline taste. It proves curative in oedema, abdominal glands, ascites, piles, intestinal worms and Kushtha, and is a good antitoxic agent. The milk of a ewe is sweet, demulcent, heavy and proves aggravating in disorders of Pittam and Kapham. It forms a good diet in Kevalavata and in cough due to the deranged condition of the bodily Vayu.

The milk of a she-buffalo is sweet in taste, tends to impair digestion and increases the slimy secretion of the organs. It is heavy, soporific, cooling, and contains more fatty matter than cow's milk.

The milk of a she-animal with unbifurcated hoofs (Ekashapha) such as, the mare, etc., is tonic, light, parchifying, sweet and acid in taste, leaving a saline after-taste, and proving curative in cases of rheumatism restricted to the extremities.

  1. *It has been recently discovered by a German physician that tuberculosis bacilli do no not thrive in goat's- blood — Translator.