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and subdues the deranged Pittam and Kapham. It proves curative in Vata and wasting diseases, and is a good appetiser. Its beneficial effect is witnessed in cases of piles, dyspnoea and cough. Curd, prepared with the milk of a she-buffalo, is sweet in digestion, and spermtopoietic. It pacifies the deranged Vayu and Pittam, and serves to augment the normal quantity of bodily Kapham. It is specifically a demulcent substance. Curd prepared with the milk of a she-camel is pungent in digestion. It is found to be charged with alkali, and is heavy and a purgative. A continued use of curdled camel's milk proves curative in Vata, piles, cutaneous affections (Kushtha), worms in the intestines, and abdomimal dropsy. Curd prepared with the milk of a ewe proves aggravating in derangements of the Vayu and Kapham, as well as in cases of piles. It is sweet in taste and its chemical reaction increases the slimy secretions of the organs, and tends to derange the bodily humours. Curd, prepared with the milk of a mare, is appetising. It proves injurious to the eyes, and tends to augment the bodily Vayu. It is parchifying and hot in its potency and is astringent in taste. It diminishes the secretions of stool and urine. Curd prepared with the milk of a woman is demulcent, sweet in digestion, tonic, pleasant, heavy, and specially beneficial to the eyes. It subdues the deranged humours and is specially efficacious in its virtues, and is the best