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[ Chap. XLV.

is sweet, cooling and astringent; and imparts softness to the body, improves the eye-sight, and proves curative in haemoptysis and eye-diseases.

Cream subdues the deranged Vayu. It is a pleasing (Tarpani ) tonic, is spermatopoietic, demulcent, palatable, heavy and sweet in taste and digestion, and proves remedial to haemoptysis.

Metrical Texts:—The virtues and properties of these modifications of curdled cow-milk have been described in detail since it is the best of all kinds of milk described before. The virtues and properties of similar preparations made from the milk of other animals should be regarded as identical with those of the milk of the animal out of which they have been prepared.

Clarified Butter (Ghritam):-Ghritam or clarified butter is Saumya or cooling in its essence and potency, and is mild and sweet. It slightly increases the slimy secretions of the organs, and acts as a lubricating moistener, proving efficacious in Udavarta insanity, epilepsy, colic, fever (chronic) and distention of the abdomen from the suppression of stool and urine (Anaha). It is appetising and subdues the Vayu and the Pittam. It improves memory, intelligence, complexion, voice, personal beauty, amiability of features and the principle of strength (albumen,Ojas) in the body.