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The Oils of the Madhuka (Maula), Kashmarya, and Palasha seeds are sweet and astringent. They pacify the deranged Kapham and Pittam. The oils of the Tuvaraka and Bhallataka are heat-making, sweet and astringent, and leave a bitter after-taste. They prove curative in diseases due to the action of deranged Vayu and Kapham, as well as in obesity, Meha, cutaneous affections, and intestinal worms, and cleanse the system both by their emetic and purgative actions. The Oils obtained from the piths (Sara of such trees as, Sarala, Devadaru, Gandira, Shinshapa and Aguru, are bitter, pungent and astringent in their tastes, and act as purifying agents in respect of bad ulcers. They prove curative in skin diseases and destroy the deranged Vayu, Kapham, and intestinal worms. The Oils obtained from the seeds of Tumvi, Koshamra, Danti, Dravanti, Shyama, Saptala, Nilika, Kampillaka, and Shankhini, are bitter, pungent and astringent in their tastes. They serve to cleanse the system from all impurities and baneful principles through their purgative properties. They act as purifying agents in respect of malignant ulcers, and prove curative in diseases due to the deranged Vayu and Kapham, as well as in skin-diseases (Kushtha), and parasitic complaints. Yavatikata-oil tends to subdue all the deranged humours, is slightly bitter, and acts as a good elixir. It is appetising, acid, and liquefacient. It is holy and wholesome (Pathyam), and serves to improve the memory of its user. The