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sweet in digestion, heavy, cooling and slimy. It acts as a vermifuge, proves curative in haemoptysis, psoriasis and Meha, and is possessed of a high efficacy. Honey known as the Arghyam is possessed of properties highly beneficial to the eye. It is a greater subduer of Pittam and Kapham than any other kind of honey,is astringent in taste, and pungent in digestion. It is a bitter tonic and does not generate Vayu in the system. Honey known as the Auddalakam improves the voice and relish for food. It is antitoxic, and proves curative in cutaneous affections. It is heat-making in its potency, and acid and astringent in taste. It generates Pittam, and is pungent in digestion. Honey, known as the Dalam, is parchifying and proves beneficial in cases of vomiting and Meha. Fresh honey is constructive and aphrodisiac, acts as a mild laxative, and to a small extent subdues the deranged Kapham. Old honey is astringent and liquefacient, and reduces fat and obesity. Honey, that has attained a thickened or condensed state in course of time (Pakka Madhu), tends to subdue the three deranged humours, while thin and immatured honey (Ama Madhu) is possessed of contrary properties, and tends to agitate the three fundamental humours of the body. In conjunction with many other drugs and medicinal remedies, honey proves curative in various diseases, and partakes of the virtues of the drugs or substances with which it is so used (Yoga-Vahika).