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Madya Varga ( Wines and spirits):— All species of wine are acid in taste, and appetising. They generate Pittam, and impart a greater relish to one's food. They act as mild purgatives, subdue the deranged Vayu and Kapham, and are pleasing, exhilarating and diuretic.

They are light in digestion and give rise to a kind of re-actionary acidity. They are keen and heat-making, stimulate the sense organs, expand the joints and increase the discharge of urine and stool. Now hear me specifically describe the properties of each kind of wine.

Metrical Texts:—The wine known as the Madvirkam and prepared --.n the jiu>.v. aiv... nuits as grapes and raisins, does not give use to any sort of reactionary acidity after its use, and accordingly is not forbidden by learned physicians even in cases of haemoptysis. It has a sweet taste, and leaves an astringent after-taste. It is parchifying, light and easy of digestion, acts as an aperient, and proves curative in chronic fevers, phthisis and other wasting diseases.

The wine prepared from the juice of the date palm (Kharjuram) possesses properties, which are slightly different from those of the preceding kind. It tends to enrage the bodily Vayu, is clear, and imparts a relish to one's food, and reduces fat and Kapham. It is light,