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[ Chap. XLVI.

and is neither laxative nor diuretic on account of its astringent nature. It is sweet in taste and of digestion, pleasant, glactogoguic and improves-'a relish for food. The properties of Atmagupta and Kakanda seeds are similar to those of the aforesaid Masha pulse. The species known as the Aranya-masha is astringent in taste, produces a condition of parchedness in the system, and is not followed by any reactionary acidity after being digested. The pulse known as Kulattha has an astringent taste, is pungent of digestion and is possessed of astringent properties. It proves curative in cases of urinary calculi arising from seminal derangement (Shukrashmari), abdominal glands, catarrh, and cough. The species known as the Vanya-Kulattha subdues the deranged Kapham, and proves curative in cases of Anaha, obesity, piles, hic-cough and dyspnoea. It may bring on an attack of hoemoptysis, and proves beneficial in diseases affecting the eyes. Tilam has a taste blended of the sweet and the bitter with a shade of the astringent. It is astrigent, heat-making, and produces Pittam. It is sweet of digestion, demulcent, tonic, and curative as a plaster for ulcers. It is benefiicial to the skin and teeth, improves the intellect and:digestion, is anuretic and heavy, helps the growth of hair, and subdues the deranged Vayu.

Of all the different varieties of sesamum, the black species is the best in respect of efficacy. The white