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intellect, appetite and relish for food, and imparts strength and vigour to the organs of sight and hearing.

The flesh of a wild cock is demulcent, heat-making, and spermatopoietic. It acts as a diaphoretic, imparts tone to the voice and the organism, subdues the deranged Vayu, and is useful as a good constructive tonic. The flesh of a domesticated cock or fowl is possessed of properties similar to those of its wild prototype with the exception that it is heavy, and proves curative in rheumatism, consumption, vomiting and chronic (Vishama-Jvara) fever.

Birds such as the dove, pigeon Bhringaraja, cuckoo, Koyashtica, Kulinga, the domestic Kulinga, Gokshada, Dindimanaka, Shatapatraka, Matrinindaka, Bhedashi, Shuka, Sharika, Valguli, Girisha, Alahva, Dushaka, Sugrihi, Khanjaritaka, Harita, Datyuha, etc. belong to the group known as the Pratuda.

Metrical Texts:—The Pratudas live on fruit, and their flesh has a sweet and astringent taste. It generates Vayu and produces a parched condition in the organism. It is cooling in its potency and reduces the Pittam and Kapham. It suppresses the discharge of urine and reduces the quantity of stool. Of these the flesh of the Bhedashi tends to vitiate the humours and to derange the three excrements of the body. The flesh of the Kana Kapota (wild dove) is heavy and has a palatable, saline and astringent