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Fruits such as the Vatama, Akshoda, Abhishuka, Nichula, Pichu, Nikochaka, and Urumana, etc. are demulcent, heat-making in their potency, heavy of digestion, constructive, tonic, and sweet in taste. They subdue the Vayu, Pittam and Kapham.

The fruit known as the Lavali is astringent and slightly bitter in taste, improves a relish for food, and is pleasant, aromatic and refreshing to the whole system. It subdues the Kapham and Pittam. The fruits such as the Vasiram, and the Shitapakyam, as well as the stems of Bhallataka trees, are hard to digest and are long retained in the stomach in an undigested condition. They tend to produce a state of dryness in the organism, derange the Vayu, are cooling in their potency, sweet of digestion, and prove curative in cases of heemoptysis.

The fruits known as the Airavata and the Dantashatha have an extremely acid taste and tend to bring on an attack of haemoptysis. The fruit known as the Tanka is coohng in its potency, has a sweet and astringent taste, is heavy and generates the Vayu. The fruit known as the Aingudam is demulcent, and heat-making in its potency, has a sweet and bitter taste, and subdues the Vayu and Kapham. The Shami fruit is heavy, sweet and heat-making, produces a state of parchedness in the organism, and helps the falling off of hair. The Shleshmataka fruit is