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the Pittam. The white Maricha is neither too cooling nor too heat-making in its potency, is more efficacious than the two preceding varieties and is specially invigorating to the eye-sight. The Nagaram destroys the Vayu, has a pungent taste, and is sweet of digestion. It is heat-making in its potency, acts as a spermatopoietic and aphrodisiac, is pleasant and imparts a relish to food. It is appetising, light of digestion, and charged with an oily substance. The Ardrakam has a pungent taste, is heat-making in its potency, acts as a pleasant spermatopoietic, subdues the Vayu and Kapham, proves beneficial to the voice, and relieves colic pain and suppression of the stool and distension of the stomach. The Hingu is light of digestion, heat-making in its potency, acts as a digestant, and is appetising. It subdues the Vayu and Kapham, has a pungent taste, is demulcent, laxative and sharp, and relieves colic pain, indigestion and suppression of stool. The Jiraka (whether white or yellow) is sharp and heat-making in its potency, pungent in digestion and imparts a relish to food. It has a pungent taste, is appetising and aromatic, increases the Pittam, and destroys the Vayu and Kapham. The species, known as Karavi and Karavi, like the Upakunchika, are possessed of properties similar to those of the aforesaid Jiraka, and are variously used m seasoning dishes and condiments. Raw or undried Kustumvari (coriander seeds) is sweet, aromatic and pleasant, while in its