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the organism. The species called Kaushumbha has a sweet taste, and produces a condition of dryness in the organism. It is heat-making in its potency and light of digestion, and subdues the deranged Kapham. The species called Nalika-shakam has a sweet taste. It generates the Vayu and subdues the Pittam. The species called the Changeri has an acid, astringent and sweet taste. It is appetising and heat-making in its potency, proves beneficial in cases of deranged Vayu and Kapham and curative in cases of mesenteric disorders (Grahani) and piles.

The leaves of the Lonika, Jatuka, Triparnika, Pattura, Jivaka, Suvarchala, Kuruvaka, Kathinjara, Kuntalika, Kurantika etc., are sweet in taste and digestion and cooling in their potency. They subdue the Kapham and do not inordinately generate the Pittam. They leave a saline after-taste in the mouth and produce a condition of dryness in the organism. They are alkaline and laxative, and generate the Vayu. The potherbs known as Kuntalika have a sweet and bitter taste. The species Kurantika has an astringent taste. The species called the Rajakshavak-Shakam, as well as the one called Sathi-Shakam, is astringent in its property, cooling in its potency, easily digestible and is not hostile to (does not enrage or aggravate), (subdues D.R.) the humours. The species known as the Harimanthajam is sweet in taste and diges-