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[ Chap. XLVI.

builds up fresh tissues, gives rotundity to the frame, and produces an increased quantity of semen and (ojas) albumen in the organism. Tue meat cooked and prepared in the foregoing manner, when minced and made into cakes, is called Ullupta-Mansam, which resembles the above-said Parishushka-Mansam in its properties, though it is lighter than the latter owing to the fact of its having been cooked over a charcoal fire. The same meat, cooked on an iron rod over a charcoal fire, becomes a little heavier as far as digestion is concerned, inasmuch as it is roasted with clarified butter, etc.

The varieties of cooked meat such as, the Ullupta (minced meat), the Bharjita (fried), the Pishta (made into balls or cakes), the Pratapta (roasted with clarified butter over a charcoal fire), the Kandupachita (dipped in mustard oil and powdered aromatic condiments and roasted and done to a honey colour over a charcoal fire), the Parishuska and the Pradigdha go by the general name of Shulyam (cabob). Of the varieties of Shulyam, those which are boiled with oil should be considered as heat-making in their potency, heavy of digestion and as generating the Pittam, while those, which have been fried with clarified butter, should be regarded as light, appetising, agreeable, relishing, beneficial to the eyes, and cooling in their potency. They also subdue the Pittam and are pleasant to the