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of the Kulattha pulse, prepared with salt is inhostile to the Pittam and Kapham, and is specially recommended in nervous diseases (Vata-Vyadhi). The soup of the Masura etc., cooked and prepared with raisins and pomegranate-juice is beneficial to patients suffering from Vata-Vyadhi. It is relishing) appetising, agreeable, and light (of digestion). Soups of Mudga, etc., prepared with Patola or Nimva tend to reduce the quantity of fat and Kapham in the organism, subdue the Pittam, are appetising and agreeable, and prove curative in cases of Kushtha (cutaneous affections) and diseases of parasitic origin. Mudga soup prepared with Mulaka removes dyspnoea, cough, catarrh, water-brash, fever and a relish for food. It tends to reduce fat and Kapham in the organism, and proves curative in diseases affecting the throat.

The soup of the Kulattha pulse cures diseases due to the action of the deranged Vayu, as well as asthma, catarrh, and Tuni, Pratituni, cough, piles, abdominal glands (Gulma and Udavarta. Prepared with the expressed juice of the Dadima or Amalaka it acquires an agreeable taste, pacifies the deranged humours, and is light, appetising and strength-giving in its virtues. It proves curative in epilepsy and obesity, and subdues the deranged Vayu and Pittam. Mudga soup cooked with Amalakas acquires an astringent property, and proves beneficial in derangements of the Kapham and Pittam.