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[ Chap. XLVI.

structive, tonic, demulcent, spermatopoietic and relishing. Curd sweetend with treacle is agreeable. It generates the Vayu in the system, and tends to increase the oily principle in the organism. Powdered barley soaked in clarified butter and made into a dough with water, which is neither too thick nor too thin in its consistency, is called Mantha, which acts as a tonic immediately on it being partaken of. It allays thirst and removes the sense of fatigue and exhaustion. The Mantha, treated with treacle and clarified butter, proves curative in cases of difficult urination and obstinate Udavarta. A Mantha prepared with sugar, raisins (Drdksha) and the expressed juice of sugar-cane, removes diseases due to the derangement of the Pittam. Mantha, containing raisins and Madhuka fruit, successfully combats diseases brought about through the action of the deranged Kapham. A Mantha saturated with the three aforesaid substances (acid and lardaceous, sugar and raisins) tends to restore the stool to its normal condition.

The Panakas:—Well diluted treacle (Panaka no matter whether it has been rendered acid or not with the admixture of Amla lemon juice), is diuretic and heavy in respect of digestion. Water saturated with treacle, Khanda (unrefined sugar), sugar or grapes, and made acid with the admixture of any acid substance, and scented with camphor, should be deemed the