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[ Chap. XLVI.

r,58 I'HE : ;^i-iKU'i-^ ^A^iHITA. [ Chap. XLVI. of fr Aured bunes. Il-.c quality of absorpti'on (Vishad) I J opposite of sliniiness. It absorbs or soaks up ^..> secretions and helps the process of heahng ' or ulcer. Keenness or sharpness begets g and suppun-^^ion, and arrests secretions.

ss or softness is the oppOvSite of sharpness.

... ./. less produces languor, increases excrements, and y-jr conic, pleasing and flesh- buiMing. Lightness is the opposite of heaviness. It acts as a liquefacient and healing agent. The ten a irtues v."ith their actions have now been described.

Now hear me describe the other ten properties of matter with their specific actions. Fluidity is moistening. Compactness is thickening and obstructive. Humidity is like shminesS. Roughness is like absorption. Odoriferousness is pleasurable, subtile, mild and relishing. Fetidness is the opposite of -odoriferousness, produces nausea, and brings on a non-relish for food. Laxativeness restores the normal condition of the humours. Narcotism changes the condition of vitality. Expansiveness (like that of wine) is the property in virtue of which a drug or a substance instantaneously permeates the whole organism and is subsequently digested. Evolution or Emanativeness is somewhat identical in its virtue with expansiveness with the exception that it permeates the organism in its undigested state, aud tends to disintegrate the