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paration, quantity or flavour—Effect of winds on the human system as they blow from the different quarters of the heaven ... 183—193

The deranged Vayu, Pittam, etc., as the exciting causes of ulcers:—Seats of Vayu, Pittam, etc. in, the human body, and their functions—Different kinds of Vayii, Pittam and Shleshma, and their functions and locations in the economy of nature—Factors which aggravate the deranged Vayu, Pittam and Kapham, and their periodicity—Symptoms of the deranged Pittam, Kapham and blood—Expansion of the deranged Vayu, Pittam, etc.. and diseases dye to their incarceration in the difterent parts of the body—Disease—its development and occasions which necessitate the calling in of medical aid—The nature of medical treatment in the case where two or all of the Vayu, Pittam and Kapham are involved ... ... 194—211

Secretions from boils and ulcers:—Shapes and seats of boils etc.—Symptoms of bad ulcers—Secretions from ulcers—Presumption as to the derangement of Vayu, etc. from the nature of the secretion—Different kinds of pain which mark the different types of ulcers—Colours of Ulcers ... ... ... ... 212—219

Prognosis in ulcer cases:—Easy curability of an ulcer—Symptoms of an ulcer which readily granulates— Symptoms of difficult or incurable types, as well as of those which admit only of palliation—Symptoms of a purified, granulating or healed ulcer— Factors which lead to the reopening of a healed ulcer ... 220—227

Classification of diseases according as they are medical or surgical:— Further classitication of diseases according as they are congenital, etc.— Diseases due to mental, physical or providential