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symptoms as shaking or convulsive jerks), is originated which is called Akshepaka*[1] (spasms, convulsions). The form of the disease, in which the patient falls to the ground, at intervals, is called Apatanaka (Epilepsy without convulsions). The aggravated or agitated Vayu, charged with an abnormal quantity of Kapham, some-times affects and stuffs the entire nervous system, and gives rise to a form of disease, which is called Dandapatanakam[2] (Epilepsy with convulsions), inasmuch as it deprives the body of its power of movement and flexibility, making it stiff and rigid like a rod (Danda). 45 — 46.

The disease but rarely yields to medicine and, is cured in rare instances only with the greatest difficulty; its characteristic symptom being a paralysis of the jaw-bone, which makes deglutition extremely difficult. The disease in which the enraged Vayu bends the body like a bow is called Dhanushtambha (Tetanus). The disease admiits of being divided into two distinct types accordingly as the body of the patient is curved internally (Antarayama, lit:— inwardly or forwardly extended, emprosthotonos), or externally (Vahirayama, lit : — extended or bent on the back, resting on his heels and occiput — Opisthotonos). When the extremely enraged and powerful bodily Vayu (nerve-force), accumulated in

  1. *The patient suffers from vanishings (tamyate) and loss of consciousness through the instrumentality of the enraged and aggravated Vayu, hence the disease is so named — Gayadasa.
  2. † Jejjada holds that the enraged Vayu, in unison with the deranged Kapham, gives rise to another kind of convulsions (Akshepaka) which he has denominated as Danda-patanakh which, exhibits such symptoms as coldness, swelling and heaviness of the body on account of its being brought about by a concerted action of the deranged Pittam and Kapham. Several authorities aver that there are four distinct types of Akshepakah, such as Danda-patanakh, Antarayamah, Vahirayamah, and Akshepakh of traumatic (Abhighataja) origin.