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in the body. The fluid thus dislodged, but not emitted, finds a wrong passage. The Vayu gathers up the fluid (semen), thus led astray, and deposits it (in a round or oval shape) at a place lying about the junction of the penis and the scrotum and dries up the humidity with which it is charged. The matter, thus formed, condensed, and hardened, is called the seminal stone (Sukrasmari), which then obstructs the passage of the urine, giving rise to pain in the bladder, painful micturition, and swelling; of the scrotum. The stone vanishes under pressure in its seat*[1]. ii — 12.

Authoritative verses on the subject:—Concretions, sands and sediments found to be deposited in the urine in a case of Bhashma-meha are but the modifications, or attendant symptoms of a case of stone in the bladder (Asmari). The same group of symptoms and the same kind of pain are exhibited and experienced in a case of gravel {Sarkara) as in a case of stone (Asmari) in the bladder. The local Vayu coursing in its natural direction helps the discharge of calculi (Asmari) with the urine in the event of they being extremely attenuated in structure. Particles of a stone broken by the Vayu are called urinary calculi {Sarkara). A pain about the cardiac recfion, a sense of weakness and lassitude in the thighs, a griping pain in the regions of the spleen and liver (Kukshi-sula), a shivering sensation, thirst, hiccough or eructations, darkness or sallowness of complexion, weakness, emaciation with a non-relish for food and

  1. *We can not but contemplate with admiration the fact that Sushruta was aware of the formation of seminal or spermatic concretions in the seminal vesicles through degenerative changes of spermatozoa and other secretions and their subsequent calcification as lately discovered by the savants of the "West. — Translator