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chap. IV.]

pain, and burning, itching sensations etc. Such a pustule, neglected at the outset, speedily suppurates, and the incidental ulcer exudes secretions of diverse colours, characterised by a kind of whirling pain, which revolves about, in the direction of the involuted indentures (within the grooves of the rectum) such as are found within the body of a river or fresh water mollusc. This is called Samvukavartah. 6.

The Unmargi Type:—Particles of bones, eaten with (cooked) meat by an imprudent, greedy, glut- tonous person, may be carried down with the hard and constipated stool by the Apana Vayu (into the rectum), thus scratching or abrading the margin of the anus, or burrowing into the rectum in the event of their being evacuated in improper directions through (transverse or horizontal postures). The scratch or abrasion is soon transformed into a fetid and putrid ulcer, infested with worms and parasites, as a plot of miry ground will soon swarm with a spontaneous germination of similar parasites. These worms and parasites eat away the sides of, or largely burrow into, the region of the anus, and jets of urine, fecal matter, and flatus (Vayu) are found to gush out of these holes. This type of Bhagandaram is called Unmargi. 7.

Authoritative verses on the subject:—A pustule, appearing about the region of the anus and characterised by a slight pain and swelling, and spontaneously subsiding, should be regarded as a simple pustule, which is of a quite different nature from a fistula in ano, which has contrary features {i.e., invariably found to be attended with a violent pain and swelling etc., and takes a long time to heal). A Fistula-pustule crops up within a space of two fingers' width of the Payu proper (distal end of the