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Chap. XXI ]

madhu and the purgative drugs would also be found beneficial. 18-20.

Treatment of the Kaphaja Karna-ŝula: — In cases of Kaphaja-Karna-śula mustard oil or Ingudi oil will be found beneficial if used as an ear-drop. Decoctions (Yusha) of the drugs of the bitter group, fomentation (Sveda) with Kapha-subduing drugs, as well as the oil cooked with the drugs of the Surasádi, or the major Pancha-mula group would be found beneficial. The expressed juice of Mátulunga, Laśuna and Árdraka, as well as Śukta, or the oil cooked with any of them should be used as ear-drops in such cases. The use of strong head-purgatives (errhines), or of gurgles is, likewise, recommended in such cases. 21-24.

The medical treatment in a case of ear-ache due to the vitiated condition of the blood should be just the same as that in the case of a Pittaja Karna-śula. 25

Thus we have given a general outline of the course of treatment and remedial measures to be adopted in the four kinds of ear-affections, viz., Karna-śula (ear-ache), Pra-náda, Vádhirya and Karna-kshveda. Now we shall deal with the special recipes and preparations of ear-drops to be employed in cases of deafness (Vádhirya). 26.

Treatment of deafness:— The oil duly cooked with water, milk and Vilva pasted with cow's urine (as Kalka) should be used as an ear-drop in cases of deafness. Oil should be first cooked with goat's milk or the decoction of Vimbi fruit with sugar and Yashti- madhu and Vimbi fruit (as Kalka). When cooled down (it should be churned with the hand and) the Sneha (oily portion) should be separated. This oily part, after being stirred in the decoction of