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[ Chap. XXVI.

stuffed into the nostrils in the manner of an Avapida Nasya. Fumigations should be applied into the nostrils with the fumes of burnt sordid fishes and vermifuge foods and drinks of various kind should be given. 11.

Treatment Of Suryávarta and Ardhávabhedaka: — Errhines etc. (plaster, gargle, etc.) should be prescribed in cases of the Suryavarta type of Śiroroga. The diet should principally consist of boiled rice and milk with clarified butter and the essence or extract of the meat of Jângala animals. These and similar other suitable remedial agents should be employed in cases of the Ardhávabhedaka type of Śiroroga. Śirisha*[1] and Mulaka seeds or bamboo-roots camphor, or Vacha and Mágadhi, or Yashti-madhu and honey, or Manah silá, pasted with honey, or (pasted) Chandana should be stuffed into the nostrils in the manner of an Avapida Nasya in a case of the Suryávarta type of Śiroroga as well as in a case of Ardhávabhedaka headache. After the use of the above, the patient should be made to snuff in the medicated clarified butter cooked with the drugs of the Madhura[2] (Kákolyádi) group, in both the above cases. Plasters composed of Sârivâ, Utpala, Kushtha and Yashti-madhu pasted with Kánjika(acid gruel) and surcharged with oil and clarified butter are to be found efficacious in both the cases, if applied to the affected region. This may be employed with equal success in the cases of the Kaphaja type ‡[3] of Śiroroga. 12-14.

  1. * Sripati Datta, the commentator of Vrinda, prescribes the bark and Śivadasa Sen, the commentator of Chakrapáni, prescribes the seeds of Śirisha.
  2. † Some take " " to mean " "
  3. ‡ In place of the Kaphaja type some read the Kshayaja type. But it is not accepted by Jejjata, Others again read "Anilátmake" i.e. in the Vátaja type.