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Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the specific features (of the nine diseases of infant life, which are attributed to the influences) of the nine malignant Grahas (Nava-Grahákriti-ViJnánam). 1.

Different Names:— Attentively hear me describe, Suśruta, the origin, cause and medical treatment of the diseases of infancy which are due to the influences of malignant stars (Graha) or demons as well as the characteristic symptoms by which each can be accurately diagonosed. The diseases number nine in all and are called Skanda-Graha, Skandápasmára, śakuni, Revati, Putaná, Andha-Putaná, Śita-Putaná, Mukhamandiká and Naigamesha or Pitri-Graha. 2-3.

General course of attack:— These malignant stars (Graha) or demons affect the person of a child in the cases where the directions laid down before (in the Śárira-sthána) in respect of the conduct of the mother or the nurse during the time the child is brought-up on the breast are not followed, and consequently where proper benedictory rites are not performed and the child is allowed to remain in an uncleanly state, or where the child becoming anyhow uneasy gets frightened, is rebuked, or begins to cry. They (demons) make their appearance for the purpose of getting proper respect and worship. They being omnipotent and omnipresent are not capable of being seen by man when they enter the person of a child. I should, therefore, discourse on the symptoms of their presence, as derived from the authority of the sages of yore. 4.