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the treatment of Skanda Graha may also be advantageously given in the present instance. 2C.

Various sorts of worship should be made with the offerings of various species of auspicious flowers. The Mantra to be recited on the occasion runs as folllows: — "May the ever down-looking sharp-beaked goddess, Śakuni, who (with her keen and far-seeing eyes) is decked with all sorts of ornaments and who traverses the ethereal sky in her flight, be propitious to thee. May the brown-eyed, fierce-looking, huge-bodied, large-bellied, and spike-eared Śakuni, who strikes terror into the heart of man with her terrible voice, be pleased with thee." 2.

Thus ends the thirtieth chapter of the Uttara Tantra in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the treatment of (an attack) by Śakuni.