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of Vataja vaginal diseases. Rudhirakshará (menorrhœa), Vâmini, Sramsini, Puttraghni and Pittalá are the Pittaja ones. Atyánandá (nymphomania), Karnini, the two kinds of Charaná and Ślaishmiki find their origin in Kapha, and Shandi, Phalini, Mahati, Suchivaktrá and Sarvajá are said to be due to the aggravation of the three Doshas. 4.

Symptoms of the Vátaja types:— An Udávartáyoni discharges painful and frothy menses and a Bandhyá yoni is marked by the absence or suppression of the catamenial flow. A local pain is always complained of in a Viplutá yoni and in a Pariplutá yoni an excessive local pain is experienced at the time of sexual congress. A Vátalá yoni is marked by an aching and piercing pain in the organ which seems rough and numbed. The peculiar pain due to the derangement of the Váyu is also felt in the first four types of the series. 5.

Symptoms of the Pittaja types:—Discharge of the menses with a burning sensation in the passage is the characteristic symptom of Lohita-kshará or Rudhira-kashrá yoni. The yoni from which the semen charged with the menstrual blood, is ejected with Váyu (sound) is called Vámini; the coming out (prolapsus) of the organ (uterus) when disturbed and a difficult or painful parturition are the symptoms of a Prasramsini yoni. The yoni in the case of repeated abortions due to the excessive discharge of catamenial blood during the period of gestation is called Puttraghni. An extremely burning sensation and suppuration in the organ attended with fever are the symptoms which mark a Pittalá yoni. The four previous vaginal diseases are also marked by the specific symptoms of the aggravated Pitta. 6.