spreading through the whole organism. The deranged bodily Doshas augmented or enraged by their specific aggravating causes, enter into the Ámáśaya and soon find lodgment in the Rasa (lymph-chyle) by virtue of their inherent heat ( Ushman ). The Doshas thus deranged and mixed with Rasa obstruct the Rasa-carrying and sweat-carrying ducts, impair the digestive fire and expelthe inherent heat (Ushman) out of its seat in the Pakváśaya, and spreading all over the body during the period of their specific dominance, bring on fever and causes its rise and exhibit. their specific colour on the skin, etc. (of the patient). 6 — 7.
Pathology: — The improper and excessive application of Sneha, etc., any kind of blow, the presence of any other affection in the organism, suppuration (of an existing boil or ulcer in the body), over-fatigue, any process of physical waste, indigestion, introduction of any extraneous poison or poisonous matter into the system, infringement of any habitual rule of diet and conduct, the sudden change or contrariety of seasons, the smelling of any kind of poisonous herb or flower, grief, the malignant influences of inauspicious stars or planets (at the time of birth); dynamics
time of aggravation of the deranged bodily Doshas ushering in the attack. An attack of fever due to the deranged Kapha comes on in the morning or after dusk; one due to the deranged Pitta comes on at noon or midnight, one due to the deranged Váyu comes on in the afternoon or during the small hours of the night. In a case of Dvi-doshaja fever (due to the combined action of the two deranged bodily Doshas) the heat is aggravated during the specific hours of domination of the stronger Dosha and continues through those peculiar to each of them. All night attacks should be regarded as connected with the action of the deranged Pitta. In a Tri-doshaja case, the heat comes on with the specific hour of the strongest one and is abated on the approach of the time peculiar to the weakest. Váyu is aggravated in the Varshá (rainy) season, Pitta, in the S'arat (autumn) and Kapha, in the Vasanta (spring).