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[Chap. XL

food, horripalation and lassitude. The symptoms which mark a case of Tri-doshaja type (due to the concerted action of the three simultaneously deranged bodily Doshas) are drowsiness, swoon, lassitude, dryness of the mouth, thirst and a varied colour of the stools. A case of Tri-doshaja type, if attended with all the symptoms, is very hard to cure and if occurring in an infant, or an old person, is scarcely amenable to medical treatment. 5-8.

Symptoms of Śokaja and Ámaja Atisára: — The suppressed tears of a bereaved person of sparing diet, on quenching the digestive fire, reach down into the Koshtha (intestines) and there freely mix with, and vitiate the local blood which becomes dark-red like Kákananti (Gunjá). It then passes through the rectum, charged with a peculiar fetour imparted to it by the fecal matter in case of its combination with the latter or without any fetid smell, when passing out unmixed. Such an attack ushered in by the grief of bereavement of a person is accordingly considered very hard to cure. The local bodily Doshas in the Koshtha (abdomen) are aggravated and deranged when they come in contact with the Ama (unassimilated chyle), and are brought down into the Koshtha (bowels), where they are more agitated and emitted in combination with the undigested fecal matter in various ways, and are attended with pain and characterised by a variety of colour. This is the sixth type of Atisára. 9 — 10

Symptoms of Áma and Pakva Atisára:— A case of Atisára (diarrhœa) would be said to be in the Áma (acute) state, if the stool of the patient suffering from any of the foregoing Doshas would be found to sink in water and to emit a very fetid smell