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Chap. XL.]

The Kutaja-bark taken with treacle would cure perforce the long-standing cases of Atisára attended with blood and marked by the diminished action of the bodily Váyu but a predominant action of the deranged Kapha. The drugs of the Ambashtádi group as well as those of the Pippalyádi group taken with honey would be similarly beneficial. 48-49

A Peyá duly prepared with the admixture of Priśniparni, Balá, Vilva (D. R. Viśva) Bálaka, Utpala, Dhanyáka and Nâgara, should be taken by a patient suffering from Atisára. A case of Pakvátisára would yield to the curative efficacy of a light medicinal gruel ( Yavágu) duly prepared with the admixture of the paste of Śyonáka-bark, Priyangu, Yashti-madhu, and tender sprouts of Dádima pasted together with curd. A case of Atisára attended with blood and colic (Śula) would be readily cured by the use of Rasánjana, Ativishá, Dhátaki, Nágara and the bark and seeds of Kutaja taken with honey and the washings of rice. 50 — 52.

Yashti-madhu, (dried) green Vilva-fruit mixed with honey and sugar, or particles of Śáli and Shashtika rice (administered with the same drugs) would prove curative in a case of Atisára. Badari-roots pasted with honey should be given to be licked with the same result. Barks of Badari, Arjuna, Jambu, Ámra, Śallaki and Vetasa taken with honey and sugar would cure a case of Atisára. Gruels (Yavágu), Mandas (thick gruel squeezed through a piece of linen) and Yusha (soup) may also be duly prepared with the admixture of these drugs, and in a case marked by excessive thirst, the water for drinking should be prepared by duly boiling these drugs. The cold infusion of *[1] Śálmali-stems, kept in the open

  1. * Powders of Śalmali stem should be kept immersed for whole