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[Chap. XL.

given to be licked*[1] The food (boiled rice) of a diarrhœtic patient should be taken with honey and curd from which the cream has not been removed; or with milk warmed by a piece of red-hot metal †[2] (other than gold and silver) and mixed when cold with a profuse quantity of honey. The use of milk duly boiled and cooked with the admixture of Tri-katu and Vidári-gandhá, with the food would prove curative in a case attended with Śula. He should also be given soups (Rasa) prepared with the drugs of appetising, astringent (Gráhi) and Váyu-subduing virtues. Fish he may take and his soup should be prepared with oil and clarified butter with the admixture of Váyu-subduing drugs. The diet in this disease should consist of venison, mutton or goat's flesh cooked with the tender sprouts of a Vata tree or of blood of a fatty goat duly cooked with curd (Dadhi), oil and clarified butter. He may take his food with an unsalted soup (Yusha) of a peacock or of a Láva bird, or with well prepared curd. He may take (with benefit) well cooked Másha-pulse mixed with the transparent upper part of clarified butter (Ghrita-manda) and with curd, while chewing at intervals (with his teeth) the unpowdered Maricha (black pepper). 87 — 89.

A compound of milk, honey and clarified butter mixed with the decoction of Yashti-madhu and Utpala should be applied in the manner of Vasti-application in (a case of Praváhiká, marked by) excessive pain and painful micturation (Mutra-Krichchhra). The application of this Vasti would alleviate the burning sensation,

  1. * According to some variants this compound should be taken thrice daily.
  2. † In place of " कुपय" — Kupya (any metal other than gold and silver) some read "कुप" Kurpa which is explained to mean a kind of stone.