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Chap. XLII.]

Árdraka, Sarshapa (mustard) and a profuse quantity of Maricha pasted together should be inserted into the rectum in suppression of stool and flatus in a case of Gulma. Arishtas made with Danti-roots, Chitraka-roots, or with the Váyu-subduing drugs according to the manner laid down in the Sutra-sthána should be prescribed, or the patient should be made to use the duly fried tender sprouts of Putika and Nripa-Vriksha. A Gulma patient with the upward coursing of his bodily Váyu should not be treated with Nirudha-Vasti. 35 — 37.

Compounds of Trivit and Śunthi or of treacle and powdered Haritaki*[1] as well as of Guggulu, Trivit, Danti, Dravanti, Saindhava and Vacha should be administered through milk, wine or the expressed juice of grapes, according to the strength (of the disease and of the patient). Pilu made into la paste and salted with the addition of Saindhava should also be similarly taken. Wine surcharged with Pippali, Pippali-voois, Chavya, Chitraka and Saindhava and taken at an opportune moment (i.e., when attended with tympanities, etc.) would prove readily curative in a case of Gulma. A Gulma-patient afflicted with a suppression of stool and of flatus should take barley with milk or Kulmásha (Másha-cakes) profusely saturated with salt and clarified butter. 38-39.

Supervening Symptoms:— If Śula which is its supervening symptom anyhow appears whereupon the patient suffers a kind of digging and piercing pain resembling that arising from the piercing of a dart, there will also appear the following distressing concomitants according to the Dosha or Doshas involved,

  1. * According to some commentators the first two compounds should be taken with water.