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[Chap. XLII.

ness, loss of consciousness, desire for cold things and amelioration on application of cooling measures, are the specific features of the Pittaja type. 47.

Kaphaja and Sánnipátika Śulas:— An agonising pain attended with nausea, excessive fullness of the stomach and a sense of heaviness in the limbs are the indications which distinguish the Kaphaja type of the disease. The type due to the concerted action of the three simultaneously deranged Doshas of the body (Sánnipátika Śula) exhibits all the series of symptoms which respectively mark the preceding types, and hence it is said to be incurable. 48-49.

General treatment:— The symptoms have been described. Now hear me describe the mode of medical treatment (to be generally pursued in curing a case of Śula). Since the deranged bodily Váyu (which is the principal and immediately exciting factor, is very active in its operation, hence it should be speedily subdued. Fomentations with Páyasa, Kriśará or cooked meat saturated with any Sneha (clarified butter, etc.) should be resorted to. Fomentation naturally gives relief to a patient suffering from Śula. The patient should take cooked Trivrit-leaves, (as pot-herbs) with his meals cooked with a Sneha (clarified butter) and served hot; or he should eat the tender sprouts of Chiravilva fried with oil, or drink the meat-essence of the flesh of any birds of the Jángala group charged with a Sneha, or take the meat of any animal of the Vileśaya group. 50.

Treatment of Vátaja Śula:— Surá, Sauviraka (fermented rice boilings), Śukta, the cream of curd and Udaśvit (half-diluted Takra) saturated with Kála-salt *[1], should be taken in a case of Vataja Śula. The

  1. * Kála Lavana generally means 'Vit-salt', but here, according to Dallana, it means 'Sauvarchala-salt'.