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Chap. XLIV.]

Saindhava-salt. once made red-hot by heating (in the fire of Vibhitaka-wood) should be cooled in cow's urine. Iron-rust (Mandura) should be successively heated in fire and cooled with cow's urine as directed above, the process being repeated many times. The two substances (Saindhava and iron-rust) thus prepared, (taken in equal parts) and made into a paste with (five times of) cow's urine, should be cooked on an oven, care being taken to guard against their ignition. When dried, the compound should be reduced to powder and taken with Udaśvit (a kind of Takra). The medicine acts as a good appetiser and proves curative in cases of Pándu. The patient using it should take his diet with Takra after the assimilation of the medicine. Clarified butter duly cooked with the expressed juice of Drákshá, Guduchi and Ámalaki proves curative in cases of Lágharaka 31.

Articles of Diet: — Arishtas and Ásavas prepared with treacle or with honey or with sugar or with cow's urine or with Kshára (alkali) as well as the essence of meat of any Jángala animal saturated with clarified butter and mixed with the expressed juice of Ámalaka or of Kola should be prescribed and meals of cooked barley grains or of Śali rice and the preparations prescribed in cases of swelling (Śopha) should be daily taken by a patient suffering from an attack of Pándu-roga. 32.

Treatment of supervening Symptoms: — The supervening symptoms such as difficulty of breathing, diarrhœa, aversion to food, cough, epileptic fits, thirst, vomiting, colic pain, fever, swelling (Śopha), burning sensation in the body, indigestion, hoarseness, lassitude, etc. should be remedied on the principles laid down in the Śástras with due regard to the nature and