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[Chap. XLVl.

It is therefore that persons generally lose their consciousness at the smell of blood. Several authorities hold that the loss of consciousness in these instances happens in virtue of the natural properties of the thing itself, viz., blood, wine and poison which also possess these properties in a greater degree and it is therefore that an use of either of these substances suspends animation and produces Moha (fainting). 4-5.

Symptoms:— A case of Murchchhá (fit of unconsciousnes.s) due to the effects of (deranged) blood is characterised by stiffened condition of the limbs and by the fixedness of the eyes (Drishti) and by deep breathing. Delirious talks, mental aberration and the state of the patient convulsively lying flat on the earth until the wine is perfectly assimilated into the system are the symptoms of a case of Murchchhá due to the effects of wine; while shivering, drowsiness, thirst and numbness of the body) attended with the specific symptoms of poisoning form the general characterstics of the type due to the effect of poison. 6.

General Treatment:— Constant sprinkling of water over the body (water-spray) plunge-bath in cold water, contact of cold gems and garlands of flowers, cold plasters and compresses, (cold) breeze and fanning, cold and perfumed drinks and cooling measures in general are efficacious in all cases of the desease under discussion. Cordials prepared with the expressed juice of Ikshu, Piyála and Drákshá and with sugar or with the expressed juice of Drákshá and Madhuka ( Maula ) or those prepared by boiling Káśmarya and Kharjura or clarified butter duly cooked with the drugs of the Jivaniya group with the drugs of the Madhura group, or the essence of Jángala meat in combination with the expressed juice of pomegranate should be taken in a