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Now shall discourse on the (symptoms and) medical treatment of alcoholism and its kindred maladies (Pánátyáya- Pratishedha). 1.

Properties and actions of Wine:— Wine is heat-making in its potency, keen or sharp in its properties, subtile in its essence, acts as a soaker or cleanser of moisture and albuminous matter (Viśada), is dry, and instantaneous in its action (Áśukara), stimulating or exhilarating in its effect (Vyaváyi) and is diffusive (Vikáśi). It destroy cold and shivering by virtue of its heat-making potency. It suspends all cognitive process (lit.-intellectual motions) on account of its keenness or sharpness, enters into every limb and member of the body by reason of its subtlety ( Sukshmatva ), destroys Kapha ( phlegm ) and semen in virtue of its Vaiśadya, enrages or aggravates the bodily Váyu on account of its dryness ( Rukshmtva ), and is instantaneous in its action by reason of its Áśukáritva. It is exhilarating on account of its Vyaváyitva and diffusive (coursing swiftly all through the body) for its Vikáśitva. Wine is acid in its taste, is light and appetising, and produces fresh relish for food. Others assume the presence of all the tastes except the saline one in it. 3 — 4.

Wine taken in combination with cooked meat and boiled rice, or any other articles of food profusely saturated with a Sneha (clarified butter, etc.) adds to the longevity, muscular strength and corpulency of a person (using it in moderate quantities) and to the exhilarated state of mind accompanied with beauty, fortitude, vigour and valour and these benefits one may derive from the proper use of wine. This fiery liquid in com-