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[Chap. LII.

Powdered Maricha should be likewise licked with honey. 15.

Inhalation of Dhuma:— The patient should be made to inhale the smoke of a burning Varti (medicinal stick) composed of Bhárgi, Vachá and Hingu, pounded together and mixed with clarified butter, or of the scrapings of (green) bamboo,*[1] Elá and Lavana mixed with clarified butter. Similarly, a patient suffering from an attack of cough due to Váta and Kapha should inhale the smoke of a Varti prepared with Musta, bark of Ingudi, Yashti-madhu, Mánsi, Manah-śilá and Haritála pasted together with goat's urine and then take a draught of milk. 16.

In the alternative, Sidhu (a kind of wine) should be taken in combination with Maricha, whereby a fit of cough would be instantaneously subdued. Milk duly boiled and cooked with the admixture of Drâkshá, Ambu (Válaka), Manjishthá and Pura[2] should be taken with honey. Well-boiled Mudga pulse should be taken with powdered Kanta-Káriká, Nágara and pippali mixed with honey ‡[3] Utkáráká (a kind of confection) prepared with clarified butter, Mula §[4] Truti (Elá), leaves of Vadara and a copious quantity of powdered Nágara should be used. A thin Peyá prepared with the preceding drugs may be taken cold in combination with honey. 17—19.

Treatment of Vátaja Kása:— The medicated clarified butter mentioned in connection with the

  1. * Dallana explains as (leaves of bamboo).
  2. † Pura means S'allaki (gum) or Guggulu.— Dallana.
  3. ‡ Dallana reads as a variant and explains that the powders of Tri-katu should be added in a large quantity in place of honey.
  4. § By the term some mean (raddish), while others take it to mean the drugs of the Pancha-mula-group.