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Chap. LIV. ]

group, charged with salt and with a Sneha (clarified butter or oil) duly cooked with Vidanga. Just after the flowing out of the injected solution (through his anus) the patient should be bathed with lukewarm water and a meal prepared with vermifugal articles should be given to him. Anuvásana-vasti should then be applied with the preceding Sneha (prepared with Vidanga). He should take a potion composed of the expressed juice of Śirisha and Kinihi (Apámárga) mixed together and sweetened with honey. The expressed juice of Kevuka may be similarly (mixed with and) administered with a meal prepared with the articles of strong (Tikshna) property. 12.

A paste (or powder) of Paláśa-seeds or the expressed juice thereof should be taken with the washings of rice. The expressed juice of Páribhadra-leaves should be taken with honey. The juice extracted from Pattura *[1] or the drugs of the Surasádi group should (similarly) be taken, or the powders of dried horse-dung or of Vidanga should be licked with honey. Pupuliká-cakes prepared with (pasted Yava and) the pasted leaves of Mushika-parni (a kind of Danti) should be taken by the patient followed by draughts of Dhányámla (fermented paddy-gruels). 13 — 14.

Oil duly cooked with (the paste and decoction of) the drugs of the Surasádi group should be given to be drunk. Different kinds of cakes should be prepared for him with (Yava mixed with) powdered Vidanga. Sesamum-seeds should be duly soaked in the decoction of Vidanga (after the manner of Bhávaná saturation) and oil should be then pressed out thereform (for his use). 15 A.

  1. * Dallana explains "Pallura" as S'ephálika, but S'ivadáśa takes it to be Śalincha.