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Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the pathology of diseases peculiar to the region of the eye-lids (Vartmagata-Roga-Vijnániya) I.

Causes and Names:—The Doshas of the body jointly or severally expanding through the nerves and veins, (Sirâ) of the eye-lids (Vartma) bringing about an augmentation of the quantity of the blood and the growth of the flesh in the localities (determination of blood toward formation of fleshy growth in the affected parts) give rise to a host of local diseases which are known as Utsangini, Kumbhikâ, Pothaki, Vartma-Śarkará. Arśo- vartma, Śushkârśas, Anjana, Bahala-vartma, Vartmivabandha, Klishta-vartma, Kardama-vartma, Śyáva-vartma, Praklinna-vartma, Pariklinna-vartma, Vâtáhata-vartma, Arvuda, Nimisha, Śonitarsas, Lagana, Visha-vartma and Pakshma-kopa. These twenty-one diseases are restricted to the eye-lids (Vartma). 2.

The Specific symptoms of the diseases of the eye-lids:—The names of these have been enumerated; now hear me describe their specific symptoms. A (rolled up and indented) boil or eruption (Pidakâ) appearing along the lower eye-lid on its exterior side with its mouth or head directed inward is called Utsangini. A number of boils or pustules (Pidakâ) to the size of a Kumbhikâ seed appearing on the joint of the eye-lids and the eye-lashes and becoming inflamed after being burst is called Kumbhiká *[1]. 3—4.

  1. * This disease (Kumbhiká) is due to the concerted action of the three Doshas.