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Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the curative treatment of Abhishyanda due to the deranged action of Śleshmá(Śleshmábhishyanda-Pratishedha). I.

General Treatment:— An attack of Śleshmaja Abhishyanda or Adhimantha during the stage of acute aggravation should be treated by opening a local vein*[1] or by the employment of fomentation, Avapida-Nasya, Anjana, fumigation, washes, plasters, gargles or non-fatty (Ruksha) eye-drops (Áśchyotana) and Puta-páka. The patient should be made to fast on each fourth day and to take a potion of Tikta-Ghrita †[2] in the morning, and his diet should consist of such articles as do not lead to the aggravation of the bodily Kapha. 2-3.

Tender twigs or leaves of Kutannata, Áshpotá, Phanijjhaka, Vilva, Pattura, Pilu, Arka and Kapittha[3] should be employed in (mildly) fomenting the affected eye. A thin plaster composed ofVálaka, Śunthi, Devadáru and Kushtha, should be likewise applied to the affected eye. 4.

Hingu, (Asafœtida), Triphalá, Yashti-madhu, Saindhava, Prapaundaika, Anjana (black Antimony), Tuttha (Sulphate of copper), and copper pasted together with

  1. * The word 'Atha' () in the text means says Dallana, that the local vein should be opened as the best resource, when fomentation, etc. would fail to effect a cure.
  2. † See Chikitsila-sthána, chapter IX.
  3. ‡ In place of "Kutannata" and "Arka" both Vrinda and Chakrapáni read "Surasa" and "Arja". Śrikantha the commentator of Vrinda however is of opinion that Arka should be better reading in place of that of "Arja".