Page:Sussex Archaeological Collections, volume 6.djvu/13

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On Sussex Heraldrj. By Mr. S. W. Ellis. On the Custom of Borough English. By Mr. Comer. These two latter were not read from want of time.

Among the articles exhibited, were,

A volume of Monastic Seals. By Mr. BeUingham.

Valuable MSS. and autographs. By Mr. O'Callaghan.

Roman Pottery from near Gorely Crop, Fordingbridge, co. Hants. By Bey. E. L.

Johnson. Tiles from Battle Abbey ; Sacristan's Boll of the Abbey, about the time of Henr^ IT ;

Portrait of Isaac Ingall, aged 113, domestic servant for 90 years in the Webster

family; King Edwai^ YFs Booke of Common Praier, 1559; Painting of Battle

Abbey. By Dowager Lady Webster.

Due notice having been given, rule 6 was thus altered —

" The Conmiittee of Management to consist of a Patron, President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary, Local Secretaries, and not less than 12 other Members."

An eminent antiquary, Mr. Eoach Smith, having undertaken to conduct some excavations at Pevensey Castle, the Committee thought it proper to evince their interest in the proceeding, by a small contribution in aid of the subscription for the expenses. The result has improved our knowledge of this very interesting locality.

Various presents have been made to the Society during the year.

An ancient dagger, found near Lewes. By 'Rev. G. C. Shifiher.

Weapons of Celtic and Teutonic Baoes. By J. Yonge Akerman, Esq.

Two bronze belts from Famey, Ireland. By Evelyn Shirley, Esq.

Mummies of the Ibis, and various Egyptian Antiquities. From F. Barchard, Esq., jun.

Facsimile of MS. of Sprott's Chronicle. By Joseph Mayer, Esq., F.S.A.

Aubrey's Natural History and Antiquities of Surrey, 5 vols. 8vo. By Joseph

Knight, Esq. J. P. Andrew's History of England, 2 vols., 4to. By C. Hicks, Esq. Collectanea Antiqua. From Roach Smith, Esq. History of Colcliester Castle. By Rev. H. Jenkins. Histoiy and Antiquities of All Saints, Sudbury, by Rev. C. Badham. By Earl

Waldegrave. Quelques objets antiques h Livoye. Par M. Charma.

Proceedings of various Antiquarian Societies, Nottingham, Norwich, Cheshire, Chester, &c.

A Quarterly Meeting was held at Lewes, on October 5th, at which

Mr. Lower read a paper describing the Excavations at Pevensey. Mr. Hamilton Dic&er, on the Picturesque in ecclesiastical architecture, with reference to Sussex churches.

The intended visit to Chichester of the Archaeological Institute, in 1853, havinj? been announced, the Committee thought it advisable to fix their Annual Meeting during the week of the Institute's Session at Chichester, and his Grace the Duke of Richmond, having intimated his intention to preside at such meeting, if held at Goodwood, on Thursday, July 14th, that day was accordingly fixed.

W. H. BLAAUW, Hon. Sec.

Beechland; January 1, 1858,

The First Volume of the Society's Collections, having been out of print for some time, to the inconvenience of the Members who have since joined the Society, the Committee have arranged for the reprinting a limited number of copies at 10s. each, and they particularly invite their friends to make applications for such copies, without delay, either to a Local Secretary, or the Honorary Secretary.