Page:Sussex Archaeological Collections, volume 6.djvu/253

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It is to be wished that, in addition to a dry record of those three great events in human life, birth, marriage, and death, the parochial clergy had noted down more freely than they have done, remarkable occurrences or matters of fact, less important, indeed, to individuals, but of more general interest, as throwing light upon local history or the manners and customs of bygone times. The principal remains of this nature which are left us in the registers and other parish documents of our own county, have been brought before the pubhc by Mr. Blencowe, in the fourth volume of the Suss. Arch. Collections. But by the kindness of the Rev. E. B. EUman, the rector of Berwick, I have had an opportunity of inspecting a MS. volume of miscellaneous intelligence re- lating to that parish not included in previous researches ; and with the aid of that gentleman's local knowledge I propose to select for notice such portions as seem likely to interest the general antiquary.

This manuscript, entitled * Remembrances for the Parsons of Barwick,' was commenced in 1619 (15^-16^ James I), by the Rev. John Nutt, B.D., Prebendary of Chichester, and Rector of BexhUl as well as Berwick. He writes a clear legible hand, and js very exact and methodical in remarking everything connected with the parsonage which he considered of moment. His incumbency lasted from 1618 to 1653 (4^ Car. II), when he died, and was buried in the chancel of of his church, where two marble busts perpetuate the good man's features, and those of Anne his wife;[1] whilst below, an inscription records simply his death in December, 1653, and

hers in May, 1661.

  1. To this lady the parish is indebted for a Communion service of silver gilt, presented in 1630.