Page:Sussex archaeological collections, volume 9.djvu/234

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that ever was; and thereupon they put the question, 'What is to be done with him?' to which the old woman replied, that ' the quarter sessions were not over.' By what was here said, she supposed that something was intended to be done against me by those old men at the quarter sessions.

"Saturday, 7th.- I set out for Frantfield fair, with a roasting pig for my sister Stone. Came to her, and there drank tea with the incomparable Miss Foster.

"22d of July- I was seized with the rheumatism, Dr. Duplock came, and as the pain affected the loins, he bled me in the foot.

"24th.- Left, off school at 2 o'clock, having heard the spellers and readers a lesson apiece, to attend the cricket match of the gamesters of Mayfield against those of Lindfield and Chailey. "28th.-My foot being tender with bleeding, I did not go to church.

"August 2d.- Having taken three pills, I sent to Peerless for 1d. worth of warm ale.

"13tli.- Having taken 3 pills, I sent for 1d. worth of warm ale, which I took to Mother Keats' and eat with it a hot roll

"July 2d.- I went with Master Freeman to Wadhurst; we went to the Queen's Head, where we had a quartern of brandy. I went to the supervisor's house, and returned to the Queen's Head, and had three pints of fivepenny, between myself and 3 others; we set out together at 8 o'clock, and being invited to a mugg of mild beer, we went in to Mr. Walters'. We left him with a design to cross the fields through Mepham's Gill; but it being extremely dark, we kept not long the right path, but got into the road, which, though bad, we were obliged to keep, and not being able to see the footmarks, I had the mischance of slipping from a high bank, but received no hurt. Old Kent came to the knowledge of the above journey, and told it to the Rev. Mr. Downall, in a false manner, much to my disadvantage; he said that I got drunk, and that that was the occasion of my falling, and that, not being contented with what I had had, I went into the town that night for more.

"5th. Nov. Powder Plot.- Attended divine service, and returned to dinner at my friend Fielder's house, where I partook