Page:Sussex archaeological collections, volume 9.djvu/239

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master instead of old Mr. Hawarde, who was inefficient, and young William, who was idle and neglectful," will probably never be known. This much, however, is certain, that at a meeting held on the 18th of October, 1771, it was resolved nem. con.,

"That the schoolmaster, Mr. Walter Gale, be removed from the school for neglecting the duties thereof, and that he have notice to leave the same the next quarter-day.

  (Signed) Roger Challice, Vicar.
John Duplock.
John Wood.
T. Huett Dungate.
Thos. Maynard."

And, on 10th. April, 1772,

"It was ordered that Mr. Gale, the old schoolmaster, be not paid his salary due, till he has absolutely put the schoolhouse in such a condition as to the form of it as it was at the time of his entering upon such house.—Agreed to nem. con."

Two or three years ago a friend of the editor visited the school of ——— in no distant or obscure part of England; and, observing some deep-coloured stains upon the oaken floor, inquired the cause. He was told that they were occasioned by the leakage of a butt of Madeira which the master of the grammar-school, who had grown lusty, not having had for some time any scholars who might afford him the opportunity of taking exercise, employed himself upon a rainy day in rolling up and down the schoolroom for the purpose of ripening, the wine and keeping himself in good condition. It may be satisfactory to know that this ceremony has ceased, and that the school in question is now carrying out worthily and well the objects for which it was founded.