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sheikh is going on a voyage to the land of China. So take these five dirhems and carry them to him; perhaps where he is going he will buy you some merchandize, so that you may get profit here, for the sheikh is one of the devout men, he loves the poor; so get up and take him these five dirhems.' And I answered her, 'I cannot go, my mother, and don't talk to me any more about it.' And she said, 'If you don't choose to go, I will just cast you off", I will not give you food, and I will not give you water, nor if you are lying in the sun will I take you out of it; I will leave you to die in your hunger.' And she swore it to me by an oath. And I felt that I should die.

"And I said, 'If you must, then put my sandals ready for me.' And she put my sandals by me. And I said, 'Put them on my feet,' and she put them on. And I said, 'Give me my kanzu.' And she brought it me. And I said, 'Put it on me.' And she gave me a cloth to throw over my shoulder. And I said, 'Give me my staff to lean upon, that I may prop myself with it.' And she put it ready for me. And I said to her, 'Take me up then, that I may stand,' and she took me up. And I said, 'Keep behind and push me, that I may get forward.' And so things were, she pushing me and I lifting one foot at a time, till we reached the shore. And we looked for the Sheikh Abalmathfár. He was putting his goods on board.

"When he saw me, he was astonished, and said, 'What has happened to-day, that you have got to the shore here?' And I gave him my five dirhems, and I said, 'This is my deposit, take them for me where you are going, and buy me some merchandize; this is the business which I came to the shore for.' And the Sheikh Abalmathfár received them.