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brought you here?' And she said, 'It was the ape brought me here. When you had finished doing your work, I saw a man, and he carried me away. Then we stayed not anywhere but here. And wherever he wished to stay it did not suit him, except here, for here no mortal man has any desire to reach this place. So now he has come and put me here. And now he is gone on a journey, and here he only comes on his days. And now, do not be afraid, since you have arrived here and you and I have met, we shall go to our home also.'

"And so she explained to me her news. And she told me, 'All the commands of the Jins in this city of Nuhás are his, he has them. And he has works prepared to bind the Jins. Now then be going.' And she gave me directions. 'You will see an iron bar, it has a ring, and there is an incense pot and there is incense. Take the incense, and put it in the censer, and read while it is fuming, and take the ring, and strike with the iron bar the ring which is with the bar. So the Jins will appear to you of every form, each one in anxiety about himself. And when they come, they will say to you, 'We are your slaves, and our command is yours. Order us what you will, we will do it for you. So when they are come, the ordering is yours; what you wish to do to him is then as you choose.'

"And these words my wife explained to me. And I arose, and went quickly where the iron bar was, and I did as she had told me. And when I had finished striking the bar, at once I saw beings appear to me; some with one eye, some with one arm, some with one leg, and of every form they appeared to me. And they said, 'What matter is it you desire? We are your slaves, and the ordering is yours. Say what you desire.' And I said to them, 'Where is the Marid who came here with a wife? it was he who was changed into an ape.' And they said,